Being Small Trilogy Title

Cast of Characters

Sandor Tatrin

The commander of the mission to make first contact with an alien species that they named the Pisceans after the constellation from which the mysterious alien signal emanated. He had a middling career in the Navy, failing to advance due to a propensity to second-guess ill-informed decisions of his superiors. The public-facing explanation for his choice as the Hokule’a commander was his friendship with the NASA director at the time. But there was another factor as well.

Dr. Naomi Hargraves

A respected Black anthropologist at American University. She was the science member of the Hokule’a crew. Her research centered on accumulating knowledge of indigenous cultures before they succumbed to corporate and colonial interests.

Tony Scott

The founder and CEO of Scanodyne Corporation. Its scientists and engineers decoded the alien signal from Pisces. His company planned and funded the private initiative to visit the source. For him, it was all about gaining advanced technology and bolstering his company’s profits and stock value.

Eugene 'Dirk' Cosgrove

A colonel in Army intelligence and a former Army Ranger. He was recruited to serve as the Hokule’a crew member responsible for security. Did he have other orders? Read the books to find out.

Charles Merrier

Sandor Tatrin’s childhood friend and Director of NASA at the time the Hokule’a mission was started.

Derek Hillyard

The nerdy engineer at Scanodyne who made the breakthrough in deciphering the Piscean beacon. Shy and uncomfortable with political intrigue, he would be happier shredding a half-pipe at Breckenridge.

William Link

Vice-President of the United States who had a hidden hand in events surrounding the initiative.

E. James Atkinson III

Link’s right-hand man and plotter extraordinaire.

Ingrid Sorensen

An assassin who enjoyed her work. A useful tool for someone with a need for such services.

Dr. Peter Hendrix.

An ambitious biochemist at Georgetown University. He serves as a counterpoint to Naomi Hargraves.

Lester Harding

The Idaho Senator who comes up from time to time as the Chicken Little voice.

Hitomi Zakura

A plucky, ambitious free-lance journalist who makes her appearance in the second book. She is eager to be the first to reveal the true motivations of the aliens. She befriends Sandor Tatrin and chronicles the events and perils of his life.

Henri de Longchamp

The modest French farmer whose vineyard becomes the center of international and interstellar intrigue. (A free set of autographed books will go to the first person to ascertain the derivation of M. de Longchamp’s name.)

Chief Inspector Jacques Aubert and Corporal Isabella Milieux

The French investigators of the event that made M. de Longchamp’s life so suddenly complicated. They make their appearance in the third book.

Elena Del Rosario

The Hispanic FBI agent in the third book. She heads the investigation of an Earth-side event that is a common thread in all three novels.

Darrel Hobson

Elena Del Rosario's FBI partner. A former linebacker at Mississippi State.

The Aliens

Originally named Pisceans by the humans, their home planet is Orgond and they are the Orgondians.

Sparky (Lyria)

The first Orgondian whom Sandor Tatrin met, although he didn’t know it at the time. An idealist, Lyria became a good friend and booster of the humans.

Dr. Jones (Nimius)

The Orgondian leader. Although a pragmatist, he is one not averse to upsetting the apple cart from time to time. That is, if they had apples on Orgond.


Coordinator of the Earth expedition. She makes her appearance in book two. Cynical by nature, she is jaded by virtue of her disappointing experiences with previous alien species. She has similar reservations about humans.

And many minor supporting characters.

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